Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Leonardo DaVinci

In January, I like to begin our studies of different artists. The second graders learned about the Renaissance and an artist named Leonardo DaVinci . We learned about all the areas that he liked to study and how he was known as an inventor. Each student then worked on creating their own inventions. Many of the students even practiced writing their notes backwards just like DaVinci!

Did you know the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were named after Renaissance Artists?!?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Once again the second grade students reviewed texture. Each student created a winter landscape that could include Christmas "stuff" if they wanted it to. The only rule was to not color any snow...we painted the snow!

Painting Clay Pots

When it came time to paint the clay pots, we discussed how Native Americans made different colors using things from nature. We also reviewed how to mix colors to make new colors. Each second grader had fun experimenting with the paint and making patterns!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The First Thanksgiving

In November, I discussed with the second grade students the first thanksgiving. We explored ideas about who was there, why they were celebrating, and what they ate. I asked the classes if they thought the Native Americans and Pilgrims bought dishes from Walmart to have the first Thanksgiving feast? They thought that was pretty silly! So how did they serve meals back then??? They made their own dishes! Each student learned how to create their own pinch pot, just like the Native Americans. We discussed the process of working with clay and the patterns/designs that were carved in the pottery. The final step will be to paint the pots with tempera paint. We will discuss how early Americans made different colors of paint and the colors that were most commonly used.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Halloween Art Projects

BEWARE! This page will soon contain some "ghostly" pictures! For our Halloween Art Projects, the second graders learned about how to draw texture and created a Halloween night landscape. One the landscapes were finished, we added "see through" ghosts by using chalk over ghost silhouettes.